Grants - What do brigades need?

Image of RFBAQ

With the closing of our $1,000,000 Buy Local Brigade Grant programme, we are now able to take a look at what items brigades are requesting.

200 x $5,000 grants were on offer, and brigades were quick to apply. Grants were conditional on the items not already being available from the Rural Fire Service, and that they were sourced from local suppliers. Why? Because we wanted to ensure money was kept local, and that partnerships were fostered between suppliers and the brigades protecting them and their communities. Each brigade is unique, and each brigade has its own requirements. Items requested ranged from electric chainsaws to water tanks, tables and chairs to diesel. Over the course of 4 rounds, the grants proved so successful that we over-subscribed, approving 263 applications.


So, what were brigades asking for?

We grouped items into 6 groups:


Power Tools

PowerToolsBy far the most common request, this ranged from chainsaws and drills, to leaf blowers and brush cutters. And don't forget, if you are in a brigade that had a grant approved for Milwaukee tools, make sure to contact Milwaukee regarding your bonus!


Internal Facilities Upgrades

InternalUpgradesOur next most popular request was for items to improve the internals of brigade fire stations. This could be anything from laptops and washing machines, storage cabinets and chairs, to painting the walls or a vacuum cleaner.

External Facilities Upgrades

ExternalUpgradesWhilst many wanted things for inside the shed, some needed things for outside the shed. This ranged from water tanks and pumps, to concrete driveways or a clothesline.

Appliance Upgrades

ApplianceUpgradesThird most popular, was items for appliances - be it for a fire truck, a slip-on or a side-by-side. Requests varied from tyres and recovery gear, to winches, fuel, light bars and grader blades.


MowerWhilst they might not be getting much use at this very moment, a number of brigades requested mowers. From a large zero-turn unit, through ride-ons and push, these mowers will be put to good use by volunteers, keeping up maintenance around their stations. Typically, volunteers need to bring in their own equipment for this purpose.



OtherNot the most creative category name, but it includes everything else requested, from UHF radios to hand tools and chainsaw PPE.




How was all this funded?

100% by art union ticket sales and donations. The public's support ensured all these will be put in the hands of volunteer rural fire brigade members, right across Queensland.

Want to help out? You can purchase tickets in our art union here, or make a donation here. If you want to donate directly to your local brigade, you can do so here.



Summary of items requests

$5K Buy Local Brigade Grants - Final Report - Items requested_1


Want more pie? Below is a break-down of items requested, across Rural Fire areas.