Joining a Brigade

What's involved, and how do I join?

What is involved?

Rural fire brigades across Queensland protect and represent the communities that they are drawn from. This allows for each brigade to reflect the differing community needs.

Many brigades not only fight wildfire, but also attend house fires, flood preparation and cleanup, support in cyclone preparation and cleanup and help the community through hazard reduction burning and delivering the Prepare, Act, Survive message.

Brigades work closely with other agencies such as Council, SES, Main Roads, Forestry and many others and this close working relationship helps local brigades meet local community needs.

With this individual community model and bearing in mind that volunteers are not paid, the level to which you can become involved reflects the amount of time that you wish to give to your brigade.

By attending you local brigade meeting you will be able to assess how you can give something to your community and learn new skills and meet new people.