Bushfire Heavy

RFSQ Bushfire Heavy Attack prototype

RFBAQ initiative and design, QFD procurement and production

Incorporating the crew safety learnings from the Innovation Platform and the FusionCruiser, this 4-seat, four-wheel drive, 3,600L Bushfire Heavy Attack was designed to compliment the Town Heavy Attacks that were donated by the RFBAQ to both Birdsville and Burketown Rural Fire Brigades.

Watch the video, trial the truck when it comes to your area and fill in the feedback forms that are with the vehicle.



While the Bushfire Heavy Attack design will not meet every brigades’ community defence needs, the crew safety features will benefit all firefighters, whether part time, full time or volunteer.

From looking back at the initial Innovation Platform video of 2021 there has been an enormous leap forward in crew safety equipment available to keep firefighters safe.

Bushfire Heavy Attack manual

Town Heavy Attack video

FusionCruiser video

FusionCruiser web page

Innovation Platform video

Innovation Platform web page

Landcruiser Light Attack

Medium Attack crew protection spray retrofit

AFAC 23 Conference

Pre- AFAC23 inspection

Bushfire Heavy Attack v1.0 – RFBAQ designed / RFSQ Funded

AFAC22 in Adelaide saw us compare the CFS and CFA 4,000l vehicles, and the prototype Queensland bushfire heavy attack that is on show at AFAC23 in Brisbane is a compilation of the latest and best crew safety equipment and designs that were learnt from the RFBAQ / QuikCorp Innovation platform, the RFBAQ FusionCruiser as well as inclusions derived from both the South Australian CFS and the Victorian CFA.

The RFBAQ are looking to gather feedback and suggestions from the fire agencies, manufacturers and firefighters who have been using bushfire heavies for many years.

What Queensland brigades were missing was a Bushfire Heavy Attack. This is a type of vehicle that has been available to brigades across other states and territories, but has always been denied to brigades in Queensland.

Communities and the Rural Fire Brigades that defend them are enormously diverse and the equipment that brigades are able to access should be able to meet local needs. One size does not fit all.

When you travel around Queensland and have a look at the bigger vehicles that brigades design, build and fund themselves there are a number of common themes that we have incorporated into the Bushfire Heavy Attack v1.0.

35-36 - Bushfire Heavy Attack - 2 pages_1

This vehicle will travel around the state to gather brigade member feedback on design and usability. These improvements will then be incorporated into the production version.

RFSQ now has a good and practical design for Town Heavy Attacks and another 17 of these are in production for towns across regional and remote Queensland.

The Town Heavy Attack manual can be accessed here.

The RFBAQ would like to thank Commissioner Greg Leach, Deputy Commissioner Mike Wassing, Deputy Commissioner Adam Stevenson and RFSQ Chief Officer Joanne Greenfield for backing and funding this project.


Commissioner Leach at AFAC22 comparing designs.

