RFBAQ position on Fire Service draft legislation – information for members of registered Rural Fire Brigades in Queensland.

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The RFBAQ President was supplied with draft legislative changes by Minister Boyd and was given 7 working days to formulate a response. Minister Boyd’s letter states - I note that the draft Bills and consultation guide are provided to your organisation on a confidential basis and should be limited to key persons within your organisation.

The draft legislation was distributed to all of the elected RFBAQ Representatives (State Executive) and their responses were considered by the Management Committee.

The Management Committee met on Friday 19th January and unanimously rejected the proposed amendments.

While we are not distributing openly the content or explanatory notes, we are providing our position in a letter to the Premier and Minister Boyd which is a recommendation for Cabinet not to sign the Authority to Introduce.


For the information of members of registered Queensland Rural Fire Brigades - click to download letter to Premier and Minister.

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